Figure 2.
QnrB expression is correlated with upregulation of oriC‐proximal genes. A. Global transcriptional responses of the K. pneumoniae KP48 and KP49 strains. Gene expression (log2) was determined by RNA sequencing after treatment of the cells with CIP for 30 min. FPKM (Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads) values for expressed genes (with a log2‐fold‐change > 2 or <−2) are plotted on the chromosome. The error ranges are illustrated by the shaded regions. The red and blue lines indicate KP49 lacking QnrB and KP48 expressing QnrB strains respectively. B. Genome‐wide marker frequency analysis using whole genome sequencing. The medians were read on a sliding window of 293 genes. The shaded regions indicate the coverage deviation from the median of these reads within the window. The red and blue lines indicate the changes in the gene copy numbers in CIP‐treated KP48 and KP49 cells respectively. FPKM, Fragments Per Kilobase of transcripts sequence per Millions base pairs sequenced. CIP, ciprofloxacin. [Colour figure can be viewed at]