a. Gap‐prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex paradigm for tinnitus assessment before and after exposure to the 16 kHz tone, during stimulation off and HFS. Notice the reduced effect of the prepulse gap at 16 kHz background sound on the startle response after noise exposure. During HFS the effect of the prepulse gap was restored at 16 kHz and increased at 20 kHz. Gap:no‐gap ratios are presented as means ± SE. Presented significances are simple effects, * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001. b. Gap‐prepulse of the acoustic startle reflex paradigm for tinnitus assessment at 10 and 16 kHz background sound after 16 kHz exposure. Four different stimulation paradigms were tested: 1) stimulation off; 2) HFS; 3) post‐HFS; 4) LFS. Compared to stimulation off, HFS and post‐HFS significantly increased the effect of the gap prepulse on the acoustic startle response. Gap:no‐gap ratios are presented as means ± SE. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001. c. Individual gap:no‐gap ratios before and after exposure to the 16 kHz tone, during stimulation off and HFS. Each colored line represents one subject. d. Individual gap:no‐gap ratios at 10 and 16 kHz background sound after 16 kHz exposure during the four different stimulation paradigms. Each colored line represents one subject. BBN, broadband noise; HFS, high frequency stimulation (100 Hz, 60 μs pulse width, and 100 μA amplitude); LFS, low frequency stimulation (10 Hz, 60 μs pulse width, and 100 μA amplitude); post‐HFS, DBS off after 30 minutes of high frequency stimulation; stimulation off, attached to cable without stimulation. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]