Figure 3.
X inactivate‐specific transcript (XIST) suppressed miR‐370‐3p expression by functioning as a sponge in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‐induced WI‐38 cells. A, Localization of XIST by RNA‐FISH in WI‐38 cells. Nuclei is stained red (DAPI), and XIST is stained blue (scale bar = 50 μM). B, XIST expression in nucleus and cytoplasm was analysed by qRT‐PCR. C, Putative miR‐370‐3p binding sequence and mutation sequence of XIST mRNA were as shown. D, Luciferase reporter assays were used to prove XIST can target miR‐370‐3p. E, Association of miR‐370‐3p and XIST with AGO2 was performed by immunoblotting assays. RNA levels were presented as fold enrichment in Ago2 relative to IgG immunoprecipitates. F, qRT‐PCR was used to detect XIST expression in the sample pulled down by biotinylated miR‐370‐3p WT and miR‐370‐3p MUT probe. G, miR‐370‐3p and XIST expression levels were analysed by qRT‐PCR. H, miR‐370‐3p expression in serum of acute stage pneumonia patients and healthy controls was analysed by qRT‐PCR. I, The correlation analysis between XIST expression and miR‐370‐3p expression in acute‐stage pneumonia patients (n = 30) was performed by Spearman's rank correlation analysis. J, miR‐370‐3p expression was detected by qRT‐PCR. *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001