Figure 3.
fMRI results. A, Yellow, Brain areas recruited during initial recollection in both groups. Green, Larger responses in Met carriers than in Val/Val during initial recollection. Red, Larger changes in response from initial to delayed recollection (Val/Val > Met carriers). Blue, Areas in which changes in Val/Val are proportional to the changes in SOP from baseline to test night. Functional results are displayed at puncorrected < 0.001, except for initial testing displayed at puncorrected < 0.05 (to show all areas likely to be involved in early memory formation), over a typical individual MR image. B, Parameter estimates (mean ± SEM) of brain areas labeled as in A. The two left bars pertain to initial testing (testing 1), and the two right bars pertain to delayed testing (testing 2). White bars, Val/Val; black bars, Met carriers. ○pFWE-whole brain < 0.05 (1); *pSVC < 0.05 [2, 3, 6 (right bar), 7, 8]; □puncorrected < 0.001 [4, 5, 6 (left bar)]. Scatter plots for areas 7 and 8 represent the regression between individual activity estimates and changes in SOP during Q1, assessed as the first eigenvariate of the singular decomposition of significant changes in both groups in sleep EEG power between baseline and test night. a.u., Arbitrary units. Open circles, dotted lines, Val/Val; filled circles, solid lines, Met carriers.