Figure 1.
Optogenetic control of striatal PV-expressing FS interneurons. A, Confocal images of parvalbumin-expressing striatal interneurons with ChR2-mCherry expression. Overview of fluorescent image showing ChR2 (black) expression in striatal PV+ interneurons. The lateral ventricle is delineated (left). Scale bar, 250 μm. Magnification of a ChR2-mCherry-labeled neuron (middle left). The same neuron with PV immunostaining (middle right). Merged image demonstrating colocalization (right). Scale bar, 25 μm. B, A fluorescent image showing mCherry expression (left). The same interneuron visualized and recorded under IR microscopy (middle), and the merged image (right). C, Illustration of the experimental set-up with optogenetic stimulation of FS interneurons and targeted whole-cell recording. D, Typical electrophysiological response of an FS interneuron to a suprathreshold step current injection. E, Response of the FS interneuron to photostimulation with a single 200 ms pulse. F, Response of the same FS interneuron to a single 10 ms pulse. G, Response of the same FS interneuron to a train of light pulses (10 Hz, 2 ms duration). Blue bars illustrate the light stimulation period.