Rptor knock-out in the CNS causes perinatal death. A, Schematic representation of the wild-type (rptor wt) and the targeted rptor allele before (rptor floxed) and after (rptor ko) recombination. Positions of PCR primers P1, P2, and P3 used in B are indicated. B, PCR analysis of genomic DNA isolated from brains or the tails of newborn control (rptorfl/fl; nestin-Cre−) and RAbKO (rptorfl/fl−; nestin-Cre+) mice. Tissue-specific LoxP recombination using primers P1 and P3 results in an amplicon of 204 bp for the recombined allele and no product from nonrecombined allele. PCR using primers within the rictor allele served as control. C, Western blot analysis for the indicated proteins using brain lysates of E19.5 control and RAbKO mice. The presence of some raptor protein is probably the result of meninges and blood vessels, which both do not express Cre (Graus-Porta et al., 2001). D, Photographs of newborn control and RAbKO mice (top) and body weight of E19.5 mice (bottom). Error bar indicates mean ± SD. N is indicated in the bars. Black bars represent control; gray bars, heterozygous (rptorfl/+; nestin-Cre+); open bars, RAbKO mice.