5HT6, SSTR3, and dnKif3a overexpression reduces dendrite outgrowth of cultured cortical neurons. Neurons were electroporated at E15.5 with a vector encoding EGFP (Control) or the vector encoding EGFP plus vectors encoding SSTR3:EGFP, 5HT6:EGFP, or EGFP:dnKif3a under the CMV promoter. Typical cilia phenotypes associated with each group are indicated. At E16.5, cells were harvested, dissociated, and fixed after 12 DIV. Confocal images of EGFP+ cells were converted to black-and-white images. A–D, Examples of neurons at 12 DIV expressing (A) EGFP alone, (B) SSTR3:EGFP, (C) 5HT6:EGFP, and (D) EGFP:dnKif3a. E, Sholl analyses reveal the extent of arborization of EGFP control (green line), SSTR3:EGFP (blue), dnKif3a (red), and 5HT6:EGFP (gray) neurons. N = total number of cells analyzed. ***p < 0.001 versus EGFP (two-way ANOVA). **p < 0.01 versus EGFP (two-way ANOVA). *p < 0.05, versus EGFP (two-way ANOVA).