Prominin-1 is expressed in the adult SVZ and SGZ. Prominin-1 expression can be detected in the adult mouse SVZ (Prominin-1, red; GFAP, green; A) and SGZ (Prominin-1, green; GFAP, white; NeuN, red; B). Prominin-1 is expressed in the precursor cells of the dentate gyrus as evidenced by colocalization with the precursor markers Nestin (yellow; C, D), GFAP (magenta; C), and Sox2 (magenta; D). E, Prominin-1 (magenta) is expressed at the cell membrane as suggested by colabeling with the wheat germ agglutinin (blue). F, Prominin-1 is expressed by the “vertical” GFAP-GFP+ type-1 stem cells, but is not expressed on the cilium as evidenced by somatostatin receptor staining (F″). Arrows and arrowhead indicate Prominin-1 expression and somatostatin receptor 3 (Sstr3)+ cilium, respectively. Scale bars: 20 μm.