Normal associative learning in the transverse patterning task in DGLα knock-out (KO) mice. A, Schematic of experimental conditions. Two opaque plastic cups were filled with sterilized playground sand. One of the cups was baited with 20 mg of sucrose pellets. Sand in each cup was mixed with a smelling spice and mice dig in sand-filled cups based on odor cues to obtain rewards. A task consisted of nine trials per day for 5 d. B, Three overlapping discrimination problems were used in the transverse patterning task. Odor of pepper was rewarded with sucrose pellets when presented with the odor of paprika, odor of paprika was rewarded when presented with odor of ginger, and the odor of ginger was rewarded when presented with the odor of pepper. C, Change in the number of successful trials during the transverse odor-patterning task in DGLα KO (n = 8) and wild-type (WT) (n = 9) mice. Error bars indicate means ± SEM.