Table 1.
Context-dependent learning: types of PERs of an individual bee during context-dependent learning at the end of each trial that consists of two odors in context 1 and two odors in context 2
Context 1: A+ B− | Context 2: A− B− | |
Context learning | A1 B0 | A0 B0 |
Generalization | A1 B0 | A1 B0 |
A1 B1 | A1 B1 | |
No learning | A0 B0 | A0 B0 |
A+ means that odor A was rewarded, and B− means that odor B was not rewarded. A1 means response toward odor A, and B0 means no response toward odor B. The expected response toward A+ B− in context 1 was A1 B0 and toward A− B− in context 2 was A0 B0. Bees that showed these responses were known to have learned the contexts correctly. Bees that showed same response (A1 B0 or A1 B1) in both contexts were known to generalize. Bees that did not learn the context showed no response (A0 B0).