Representative spectra of SAP (A), average magnitudes of LF (B) and HF (C) components
of SAP, and the LF/HF index of PIs (D) of 30-d-old male rat pups of dams fed an NP or
an LP diet during pregnancy and lactation. Values are means ± SEMs, n
= 8–11. *Different from NP, P < 0.05 (unpaired Student's
t test). HF, high-frequency band; LF, low-frequency band; LF/HF,
index of sympathetic/parasympathetic balance to the heart; LP, offspring of
experimental rat dams fed a low-protein diet (8% protein); NP, offspring of control
rat dams fed a normoproteic diet (17% protein); PI, pulse interval; SAP, systolic
arterial pressure.