Representative tracings showing raw and integrated PN and tSN activities during
peripheral chemoreflex activation (A) and averages of percentage tSN (B) and PN (C)
during peripheral chemoreflex activation in 30-d-old male rat pups of dams fed an NP
or an LP diet during pregnancy and lactation. Values are means ± SEMs,
n = 6–8. *Different from NP, P < 0.05 (unpaired
Student's t test). cpm, cycles per minute; KCN, potassium cyanide;
LP, offspring of experimental rat dams fed a low-protein diet (8% protein); NP,
offspring of control rat dams fed a normoproteic diet (17% protein); PN, phrenic
nerve; tSN, thoracic sympathetic nerve; ∫, integrated activity.