FIG 3.
2D partial least-square discriminant analysis (2D PLS-DA) score plot and associated VIP scores following aerobic growth for 48 h. (A) 2D PLS-DA score plot separating the WT (JMB 1100), ΔsrrAB (JMB 1467), ΔclpC (JMB 8025), and ΔsrrAB ΔclpC (JMB 8027) S. aureus strains according to their distinct metabolic profiles, with principal component 1 (PC1) and PC2 accounting for ~52% and ~19% of the variance, respectively. (B) Variable importance in projection (VIP) scores ranking the most important metabolites that contributed to the separation of the different strains in the 2D PLS-DA score plot. Metabolites with associated VIP scores of ≥1.0 were considered to be significant contributors to the separation between the metabolic profiles of the different strains. sn-Glycero-3-p, sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine.