ClpP is required for optimal fermentative growth, while ClpC is dispensable. (A) SrrAB influences transcript levels for spa and cydB but not clpC during fermentative growth. The WT (JMB 1100) and ΔsrrAB (JMB 1467) strains were cultured fermentatively, mRNA was extracted, and the abundances of the clpC, spa, and cydB transcripts were quantified. The data were normalized to 16S rRNA levels and thereafter to levels observed in the WT. (B) ClpP is required for optimal fermentative growth, while ClpC is dispensable. Fermentative growth is displayed for the WT, ΔclpC (JMB 8025), clpP::Tn (JMB 4898), and ΔclpC clpP::Tn (JMB 8029) strains on solid TSB medium. (C) Increased expression of clpC inhibits growth of fermenting S. aureus. Fermentative growth is displayed for the WT strain with pEPSA5 (empty vector), pEPSA5_clpC, or pEPSA5_clpCG672R on solid TSB medium. Data in panel A represent the averages from triplicate cultures and error bars represent standard deviations. Photographs in panels B and C are representative of at least three independent experiments, and the numbers beneath each photograph denote the serial dilution that cells were removed from before plating. Where indicated, Student t tests (two tailed) were performed on the data. *, P < 0.05.