Fig. 4.
Echocardiogram measurements indicate SS (Dahl salt-sensitive/Mcwi) female rats have poorer heart function compared with SS-3BN (substitution of rat chromosome 3 from the resistant Brown Norway rat strain onto the SS background) rats after 24 Gy localized heart radiation. A: M-mode echocardiogram images of SS and SS-3BN rats that received 24 Gy of localized heart radiation therapy at baseline, 3 mo, and 5 mo postradiation. B: left ventricular internal diameter end systole (LVIDs) normalized to body weight is higher in SS vs. SS-3BN rats after radiation. C: end-systolic volume (ESV) normalized to body weight is higher in SS rats postradiation vs. SS-3BN rats. D: fractional shortening (FS) is reduced in SS rats at 5 mo postradiation vs. SS-3BN rats. E: ejection fraction (EF) is reduced in SS rats at 5 mo postradiation vs. SS-3BN rats. F: radial strain was lower in SS rats at 3 and 5 mo postradiation. G: circumferential strain showed SS rats had a decreased ability to contract, indicated by a smaller negative percentage. Values are means ± SE. *P < 0.05. †P < 0.01. #P < 0.001.