Fig. 7.
Performance improvements are stable across time and experiment paradigm (retention test). A: mean execution time (ET) as a function of preparation time levels with the factor sequence type Blocked separately for trained and untrained sequences in the Forced-reaction time (RT) condition and trained (Tr) and untrained (Un) sequences in the Free-RT condition. For visualization purposes, data from the Free-RT condition were subdivided into bins separated by actual RT quartiles (4 data points per subject, from left to right, respectively), but statistical analyses were performed on unsplit data (1 data point per subject). Other figure conventions are the same as in Fig. 5A. B: mean duration for each interpress interval (IPI) in Blocked blocks separately for untrained (left) and trained (right) sequences and preparation time (in ms). For sake of comparison, mean IPI durations for the Free-RT task are also plotted. Shaded areas indicate SE. C: same as A but with factor sequence type Mixed. D: same as B but for Mixed blocks of trials.