Figure 6.
Kisspeptin promotes the phosphorylation of nNOS in the OVLT, but not in the MS or the AVP. A–D, Left, Schematic brain maps demonstrating the distribution of P-nNOS-immunoreactivity in nNOS neurons of the OVLT, MePO, MS, AVP, and anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) after kisspeptin (Kp-10) or vehicle (PBS) treatment (B, D and A, C, respectively). Red dots, Single-labeled nNOS neurons; yellow dots: P-nNOS/nNOS double-labeled neurons. Right, Representative fluorescent photomicrographs showing P-nNOS (green) and nNOS (red) immunoreactivity in the MS (A, B) and AVP (C, D) after the aforementioned treatments. oc, Optic chiasm; lv, lateral ventricle, ac, anterior commissure. Scale bar, 200 μm.