Figure 8.
A, Participant 23 indicated whether she heard bilaterally presented stimuli as louder or coming from the CI1 side or the CI2 side. The levels provided to each CI are shown schematically. The percentage of responses to CI2 decreased as intensity of CI2 decreased and percentage of responses to CI1 increased as intensity of CI1 increased. B, Gaussian regression on CI1 responses identified a point at which there were no greater CI1 than CI2 responses (0.5 probability of CI1 response). C, BDs were measured in response to the same stimuli. Amplitudes increased until there was a 0.8 dB weighting of levels in CI1 compared with CI2 levels with a decrease in BD amplitude as levels became further weighted to CI1. D, BD amplitude decreases as behavioral responses shift away from mid-line (r = −0.43; p < 0.01).