Decoding the presented stimuli from EEG-CSD data. A linear SVM classifier was used on averages of 80 ms windows with 20 ms time-steps (the average accuracy for all classifications within 100 ms time windows was tested using a permutation test; time point 0 = stimulus presentation). Decoding for A, 66.67 ms; B, 50.00 ms; C, 33.33 ms; and D, 16.67 ms target duration. Stimuli could be predicted from the time windows beginning 100 ms after stimulus presentation (66.67 ms) or 200 ms after stimulus presentation (50.00 and 33.33 ms). The range of times during which decoding accuracy was significant above chance decreased with discriminability and no information was found for the lowest discriminability condition (16.67 ms). Note, however, that onset and peak times can only be approximations because these analyses cannot unambiguously resolve the occurrence of information within the averaged time window. Error bars indicate SEM. Significant time windows are highlighted.