Decoding the category choices from EEG-CSD data for pure noise. A, A linear SVM classifier was used on averages of 80 ms windows with 20 ms time-steps (the average accuracy for all classifications within 100 ms time windows was tested using a permutation test; time point 0 = stimulus presentation). Choices could only be predicted before stimulus presentation (−100–0 ms). Error bars indicate SEM. Significant time windows are highlighted. B, Independent temporal multivariate pattern classification using the data within each 80 ms time window for each channel separately. The scalp map shows decoding accuracy for the selected −60–20 ms window. Occipitoparietal channels (PO4, O2, all p < 0.01; Pz, p < 0.05; PO8, p = 0.07; PO9, p = 0.08) and by trend frontopolar channels (AF8, p = 0.09; Fp1, p = 0.10) were predictive for choice outcomes.