Auditory discrimination performance in animals with DLS disruption. Long–Evans rats (n = 8 or 9 for each group) were trained for the auditory discrimination task. After the 80% criterion achievement, the rats received a bilateral injection of IBO or PBS into their DLS, and then were tested for the task performance. A, Schematic illustration of IBO lesion range in the DLS. After the behavioral test, brains were removed from the IBO-treated rats; and DLS sections were prepared and used for immunostaining for NeuN. The maximum (gray) and minimum (black) ranges of the lesions are illustrated. The anteroposterior coordinates (millimeters) from the bregma are shown. B, Auditory two-choice reaction time task. The correct response ratio (B1) and correct response time (B2) in session blocks comprising three serial sessions are plotted. The values at the pretreatment phase (Pre) are the averages at 3 d before the injection. **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05, compared with the PBS-injected group, LSD test. Scale bar, 2 mm.