Figure 2.
Weak single axon strength and high convergence ratio in WT and CaV1.3−/− mice at P2–P4. A, B, Stimulation of an axon from a single MNTB neuron in WT (A) and CaV1.3−/− (B) at P2–P4. Twenty consecutive stimuli at 0.2 Hz with low stimulation intensity. Each successful response is marked by an asterisk. Stimulus artifacts partly truncated (also applies to Figs. 3, 4, 9). C, D, Maximal synaptic response (indicated by red dotted line) of the MNTB–LSO projection in a WT and a CaV1.3−/− neuron. E, Statistical analysis. A comparison between WT and CaV1.3−/− at P2–P4 is shown. Numbers in bars depict the number of analyzed neurons (also applies to subsequent figures unless noted otherwise).