Position-in-depth test. A, Example neuron. A higher-order 3D shape selective neuron in area F5a (the same neuron as in Fig. 3A) showing robust responses to the preferred 3D shape at all positions in depth is shown. The vertical calibration bar indicates 50 spikes per second (bin width, 40 ms). B, Population response of higher-order selective F5a neurons (N = 131). The average net responses of all higher-order neurons to the preferred (blue) and the nonpreferred (red) 3D shape are plotted at the five different positions in depth. C, Eye position traces. Average horizontal eye position traces for the left (red) and right (blue) eyes are shown for the extreme near (left) and extreme far (right) positions in the position-in-depth test for the two monkeys (M1, M2) separately.