Figure 2.
Parasagittal view of reconstructions of the four cingulum segments (anterior, middle, posterior, and parahippocampal) for the left and right hemisphere in the native space of one healthy participant (left) and one patient with MCI (right) coregistered to that individual's T1-weighted image. The cingulum segments are color coded to visualize the strength of the Pearson correlation coefficient between tract-specific diffusion metrics and performance in cognitive control tasks. Correlations highlighted by the white rectangles have the largest correlation coefficient for that measure and group and are further represented by scatter plots. Positive relationships for controls reflect that larger FAs were associated with better performance. Negative relationships in MCI reflect that larger MDs were associated with poorer performance. Note that for rule violations the scale on the y-axis has been inverted to make the direction of effect consistent across all tasks (this is an error score, so higher values reflect poorer performance).