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. 2012 Nov 21;32(47):16763–16774. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1885-12.2012

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Neurotensin expressing neurons in the LH are not c-FOS+ during PS hypersomnia. A, Low-power photomicrograph of a double-stained section for neurotensin (dark blue diffuse cytoplasmic staining) and c-FOS (DAB brown nuclear staining) in a coronal section passing through the LH in a PSR animal. B, Enlargement of the framed area in A. Arrow point out c-FOS/ neurotensin+, arrowheads neurotensin+, and double arrowheads singly c-FOS+ neurons. Scale bars: A, 500 μm; B, 100 μm. 3V, Third ventricle; f, fornix; ic, internal capsule; opt, optic tract.