Figure 3.
Inhibitory synaptic transmission to L2/3 pyramidal neurons in the S1 was not altered in chronic pain. a, Typical traces of spontaneous IPSCs in control (top) and CFA-injected (bottom) mice. b, c, Mean frequency of spontaneous IPSCs (b) and IPSC amplitudes (c) in control (white columns) and CFA-injected (red columns) mice. d, Schematic drawing of whole-cell patch-clamp recording of IPSCs from L2/3 pyramidal neurons in response to L2/3 electrical stimulation. e, Averaged traces of IPSCs evoked by paired-pulse stimulation at an intensity of 30 μA in slices from control (left) and CFA-injected (right) mice. f, g, Stimulus intensity–IPSC amplitude curves (f) and stimulus intensity–paired-pulse ratio relationships (g) in neurons from control (black line) and CFA-injected (red line) mice. Error bars represent ± SEM.