Behavioral tasks used to assess object selectivity (A, B), object and motor selectivity (C), and objects and grips tested (D). A, Time course of the Object viewing task. The sequence of status of the home button, status of the LIGHT illuminating the object (LIGHT) and color of the fixation point (Fixation LED) are shown. Below the scheme, typical examples of eye traces during a single trial and time epochs are shown. Dashed lines indicate task and behavioral markers: trial start (Home Button push), fixation target appearance (Fixation LED green), eye traces entering the fixation window, object illumination onset (LIGHT on), go signal for home button release (fixation LED red), home button release (Home Button off) coincident with object illumination off (LIGHT off), and fixation target switching off (fixation LED off), end of data acquisition. B, Scheme of the experimental set-up showing an object presentation (ring) in the monkey peripersonal space, while the animal keeps its hand on the home button (black rectangle). C, Time course of the Reach-to-Grasp task. In addition to the status of home button, fixation LED, and LIGHT, as in A, also the status of the target object is shown (Target object, pull and off). Markers are, from left to right: trial start (Home Button push), fixation target appearance (Fixation LED green), eye traces entering the fixation window, object illumination on and off (LIGHT on and LIGHT off, respectively), go signal for reach-to-grasp execution (fixation LED red), start and end of the reach-to-grasp movement (Home Button off, and Target object pull, respectively), go signal for return movement (fixation LED switching off), start of return movement to the home button (Target object off). All other details, as in A. D, Drawing of the 5 objects tested and of the grip types used by the monkey: from left to right, ball (grasped with the whole hand), handle (grasped with fingers only), ring (grasped with the index finger only), plate (grasped with a primitive precision grip with fingers/thumb opposition), stick-in-groove (grasped with an advanced precision grip with precise index-finger/thumb opposition). The object changed from trial to trial, randomly chosen by the computer.