NMDA receptor-dependent Ca2+ transients. A, Effect of NMDA and AMPA receptor blockers on dendritic Ca2+ transients. d-AP5 (50 μm) and DNQX (20 μm) were applied to the ACSF in the presence of CCh (20 μm) serially in a cell. Right, Summary plot for the amplitude of CaT1 evoked by SES and CCh and in the presence of d-AP5 (n = 10). ***p < 0.001, compared with CCh. B, Effect of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blockers on Ca2+ transients. Ni2+ (50 μm) and nimodipine (10 μm) were applied to the bath throughout the experiment. Right, Summary plot for the amplitude of CaT1 and CaT2 evoked by SES and muscarinic stimulation (muscarine, n = 13) and in the presence of Ni2+ (n = 3), nimodipine (n = 3), and Ni2+ plus nimodipine (n = 3).