Figure 5.
Group results for punctate/thermal stimuli and rating task, subjected to a nonparametric permutation testing of the maximum t-statistic for each voxel and corrected for multiple voxelwise comparisons (p < 0.05). The resultant activation data are superimposed on the corresponding slice of the average EPI data from the standard cord. The location of activation for each of the group contrasts, following the robust correction of multiple voxel-based comparisons, broadly agrees with results obtained with parametric thresholding (“corrected,” p < 0.003; see Fig. 4), with the exception of right thermal stimulation during which no activation was statistically significant. Activation was primarily ipsilateral to the side of stimulation (RP, LP, and LT). The rating (right-hand sensorimotor) task activated the dorsal cord bilaterally (though primarily ipsilaterally) and the ventral cord primarily ipsilaterally (C5/C4).