Figure 1.
Activation of olfactory projection neurons is necessary for odorant-selective short-term habituation. A, Schematic of the Drosophila olfactory circuit showing probable feedforward (OSN–LN1) and feedback (PN–LN1–PN/PN–eLN–LN1–PN) connections. B, Response of naive and EB-exposed wild-type (Canton S) flies to EB and 3-octanol (3-Oct). EB exposure causes a selective drop in response to EB, but not to 3-octanol at two (10−2 and 10−3) different concentrations. ***p < 001 (Student's t test). C, EB-induced habituation in flies exposed to EB for 30 min (30′) at either room temperature or 32°C. Control +/UAS-Shits1 flies show significant habituation at room temperature (ANOVA, ***F= 43.596, p < 0.001; q = 12.334, p < 0.001, Student–Newman–Keuls test) and no significant difference between EB exposure at room temperature and 32°C. In contrast, experimental flies GH146 > Shits1 flies show significant habituation at room temperature (***F = 85.016, p < 0.001; q = 17.816, p < 0.001, Student–Newman–Keuls test), and a significant difference between EB exposure at room temperature and 32°C (when dynamin function and presynaptic transmission from GH146 PNs is inhibited, +++q = 13.031, p < 0.001, Student–Newman–Keuls test). Bars show mean ± SEM. Raw RI values and n values are provided in Table 1.