Heterologously expressed RIBEYE aggregates are sites of enrichment of PA as judged by recruitment of PA-sensor proteins. A–E, COS cells were single-transfected with either Raf-1-mCherry (A) and RIBEYE(AB)-EGFP (B) or cotransfected with RIBEYE(AB)-EGFP and PA-binding sensor protein (Raf-1-mCherry) (C–E). F, Point mutated, PA-binding-deficient protein (Raf-1mut) served as control. RIBEYE(AB) protein clusters (arrows) in transfected COS cells recruit wild-type PA-sensor protein Raf-1 (C–E), indicating enrichment of PA at the RIBEYE aggregates. PA-binding-deficient sensor protein (F; data not shown) is not recruited to RIBEYE aggregates, indicating the specificity of the recruitment. n, Nucleus; Scale bars: 10 μm.