Figure 3.
AV integration independent from congruency. The role of thalamus and posterior superior temporal areas in congruency-independent audiovisual integration was confirmed by the explorative conjunction analysis (CAV > A) ∩ (CAV > V) ∩ (ICAV > A) ∩ (ICAV > V) (A) (p < 0.05, uncorr.). The pattern was observed independently from emotional congruency for both congruent (B) [(CAV > A) ∩ (CAV > V); p < 0.005, uncorr.] and incongruent emotions (C) [(ICAV > A) ∩ (ICAV > V); p < 0.005, uncorr.]. In addition, bilateral amygdala was observed only for the integration of congruent emotions. Basal ganglia, frontal, and parietal cortex were again only activated by incongruent emotions.