Quantification of the expression of TH or VGluT2 transcripts within individual TH-IR cells located in the A10 region (qRT-PCR analysis). A, A′, Low magnification of a 10-μm-thick coronal section incubated with anti-TH antibodies showing TH-IR cells before (A) or after (A′) microdissection. Rectangles in A and A′ indicate regions within the lateral PBP shown at higher magnification in B and B′, respectively. Arrows in B indicate the selected TH-IR neurons for microdissection, seen as black holes after microdissection (B′). Scale bar: (in B′) A, A′, 242 μm; B, B′, 50 μm. C, D, PCR amplification plots obtained for TH (C) or VGluT2 (D) detection from individual TH-IR neurons located in the lateral PBP. All single TH-IR cells in the lateral PBP (50 individual cells) showed detectable levels of TH mRNA (C). In contrast, most of these TH-IR cells lack VGluT2 mRNA amplification (D); VGluT2 mRNA was detected in only 3 of the 50 TH-IR tested cells. ΔRn, Changes in fluorescence.