Figure 9.
Chronic treatment with imipramine reverses biochemical, neuroanatomical, and behavioral parameters. a, Imipramine (16 mg/kg/d) were delivered through ALZET osmotic minipumps, implanted subcutaneously on the backs of animals. Serum BDNF concentrations at D35 in imipramine-treated and vehicle-treated control rats, imipramine-defeated animals, and defeated rats receiving vehicle (nonvulnerable and vulnerable; n = 11–13) are shown. b, At D57, serum BDNF concentration, corticosterone levels, and adrenal gland weight in imipramine-treated and vehicle-treated control rats, imipramine-defeated animals, and defeated rats receiving vehicle (nonresponders and responders; n = 8–15). c, At D57, hippocampal BDNF concentrations, hippocampal volume, neurogenesis, total apical dendrite length of CA3 hippocampal neurons, spine density, Sholl analysis, and immobility time in the FST in defeated rats receiving vehicle (NR, R; n = 4–15). *p < 0.05 versus NV animals receiving vehicle; †p < 0.05 versus DI; ap < 0.05 versus corresponding C groups.