Tagging new neurons. a, TAM-induced recombination occurs only in nestin-CreERT2+ mice (scale bar, 50 μm). b, Recombination occurred throughout the anteroposterior extent of the DG (millimeter relative to bregma; scale bars, 150 μm). c, Schematic showing markers associated with different developmental stages of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. d, Seven weeks after the completion of TAM treatment, most LacZ+ cells (green) costained for mature neuronal markers (NeuN, calbindin; red), with far less staining for progenitor cell or immature neuronal markers (nestin, DCX, calretinin; red). LacZ+ cells additionally expressed activity-dependent gene zif268 (red) after behavioral testing. e, Seven weeks after the completion of TAM treatment, Ki67 expression levels were similar in control (CTR; n = 11) and 2xTg (n = 7) mice, indicating that DTR expression has no effect on ongoing proliferative activity in the adult hippocampus (scale bar, 250 μm). Mo, Molecular layer; GCL, granule cell layer.