Figure 5.
Cortical regions sensitive to the illusory continuity of differently complex sounds (A) and the complexity of intact sounds (B). A, Statistical activation maps obtained from the present study and a matching study on tone continuity illusions are projected onto listeners' unfolded average representation of the right cortical surface (light and dark gray indicate gyri and sulci). A region in alHG (green region) showed effects related to continuity illusions for the interrupted vowel but not for interrupted tones. A more posteromedial region in mHG (magenta region) showed the opposite. Thus, continuity illusions of vowels and tones may involve distinct neural substrates in non-PAC and PAC, respectively. RH, Right hemisphere. B, Regions along the middle STS and in the lateral extensions of HG and HS, but not in alHG (green outline), showed stronger activity to intact complex sounds (vowels) than to intact simple sounds (tones). The region in STS (red outline) was compatible with a previously reported voice-sensitive region and showed sensitivity to listeners' ratings of the interrupted vowel.