Response-error-related (blue) and task-error-related (green) activation superimposed on anatomical slices averaged across subjects. Response error activation is related to the following contrast: stimulus change trials, response errors minus correct trials. Task error activation is related to the following contrast: task change trials, task errors minus correct trials. a, Activation for response and task errors in the pFMC (MNI coordinates of maximal random-effect Z scores, blue, x = 6, y = 51, z = 30, Z = 3.87, and x = 6, y = 27, z = 54, Z = 4.13; green, x = 6, y = 39, z = 54, Z = 4.45). Overlapping activation is presented in red (MNI coordinates of maximal random-effects Z scores, x = 3, y = 45, z = 39, Z = 3.43). b, Activation in the MTG for response errors and in the IPL for task errors (MNI coordinates of maximal random-effects Z scores, blue, x = 57, y = −66, z = 3, Z = 3.87; green, x = 57, y = −48, z = 48, Z = 4.56). c, Activation in the INS for response errors (MNI coordinates of maximal random-effects Z scores, x = 39, y = 21, z = −9, Z = 3.46).