Pairwise interactions distribution and their relation to distance and correlation between cells. A, Histogram of interactions derived from population models of retinal ganglion cells responding to natural pixel (Nat Pix; red; see Materials and Methods) and natural movie (Nat Mov) stimuli. The interaction values of the model presented in Figure 2, A and B, are shown in blue (retina 1), and those from the model in Figure 2, C and D, are in green (retina 2). B, Network interactions under different stimulus conditions. The functional interaction values (as measured by the parameter β in the pairwise model) for a natural movie stimulus (abscissa; same as in Fig. 1A) are plotted against the values obtained for the same pairs of recording electrodes under natural pixel stimulation (full-field stimulus with natural temporal statistics; see Materials and Methods; ordinate). Line marks identity. C, Average pairwise interaction plotted against receptive field (RF) distance (bars represent SD; colors as in A). D, Average pairwise interaction magnitude plotted against correlation coefficient (bars represent SD; colors as in A).