Figure 5.
Morphology of neurons from the frontal cortex in Q31L and L100P −/− mutants. A, Golgi-stained images of an individual neuron at 40× magnification from WT, Q31L, and L100P mutant mice (left to right). Scale bar, 50 μm. The white arrows indicate pyramidal neurons with clear, distinct dendrites. B, Both Q31L and L100P mutants had shorter dendrites (apical and basal) and smaller surface area (SA) compared to WT neurons (n = 12; t test, p < 0.05). C, After normalizing to soma SA, only the Q31L mutants had significant differences in all three parameters, while no significant effects were observed with L100P mutants. However, a similar trend was still visible across all groups. D, No significant difference in dendritic branching complexity was observed when measured by Schoenen's ramification index (RI) and the number of bifurcations of dendrites (BD). E, Sholl analysis revealed no significant difference in Disc1 mutant mice versus WT on Sholl's regression coefficient (n = 12). F, Quantification of the number of dendritic intersections with increasing circular radius from the cell body was similar between WT and mutants. All data are presented as mean ± SEM; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 versus WT.