Distribution of STARR-seq enhancers in rice genome
A. Enhancers identified in two independent STARR-seq experiments. Totally 9642 enhancers were commonly discovered in both replicates. B. and C. Distribution and relative enrichment of identified enhancers in the rice genome. D. Distribution of enhancers relative to the gene body. TSSs and TTSs of all genes are aligned at the beginning and the end of gene body, respectively. Extended regions of 2.4 kb (the median size of genes in rice) upstream of TSS and downstream of TTS are divided into 10 bins of equal size (240 bp), respectively. The horizontal gray dotted line shows the mean density of enhancers from control elements, which was calculated from 10,000 randomly selected regions of 700 bp in length and repeated for at least 10 times. TE, transposable element; TSS, transcription start site; TTS, transcription termination site.