Figure 1.
ToF-SIMS imaging reveals stronger iron ion signal in COPD (GOLD IV) patients’ lung tissue vs. healthy donors. The top panel shows representative images of (a) H&E staining (b) Perls’ Prussian blue (iron) staining, and (c) ToF-SIMS overlay image for iron (red, m/z 55.9) and protein fragments (C4H8N+, green, m/z 70.1) in the lung tissue section of a healthy donor across an analysis area of approximately 16 mm x 20 mm. The middle panel (d,e,f) shows the same order of corresponding representative images for a COPD (GOLD IV) patient’s lung tissue section; across an analysis area of approximately 15 mm x 22 mm. Scale bars are 4 mm for all images. The lower panel (g and h) shows ToF-SIMS mediated relative quantification revealing significantly increased iron in COPD (GOLD IV) patients’ lung tissue. (g) Normalized intensity for positive species at m/z 55.9 (Fe+), for healthy donors and COPD (GOLD IV) patients’ lung tissue. (h) Bar chart showing averaged value of iron intensity in healthy donors and COPD (GOLD IV) patients’ lung tissue. The error bars show 95% confidence level for each peak in 3 tissue sections per group with 5 random areas per tissue. ***p<0.001, using student’s t-test.