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. 2019 Jun 14;85(8):1740–1750. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13960

Table 3.

Predictive performance of different limited sampling strategies (LSS) for Bayesian estimators derived from the parametric (ITSIM) and nonparametric (Pmetrics) models on day 7 (D7) and week 6 (W6) post‐transplantation, for the 2 formulations. In each situation are presented the best LSS restricted to the first 4 h post‐dose and the best LSS overall (unrestricted)

Model Limited sampling strategy Modelling software Mean bias (%) SD (%) Range (%) RMSE (%) Number AUC estimates outside ±20% of the reference
TAC OD_D7 0, 1 h and 4 h ITSIM −5.60% 18.25% −42.43% to 20.36% 18.19% 3/10
Pmetrics −11.21% 16.12% −38.36 to 14.60% 18.96% 2/10
0, 1 h and 6 h ITSIM −4.52% 7.80% −19.75 to 9.39% 8.67% 0/10
Pmetrics −6.68% 16.08% −41.48 to 14.27% 16.71% 1/10
TAC OD_W6 0, 1 h and 4 h ITSIM 4.75% 9.01% −6.95 to 22.49% 9.78% 1/10
Pmetrics 1.14% 12.18% −9.46 to 31.13% 11.61% 1/10
0, 1 h and 6 h ITSIM −0.26% 7.63% −11.29 to 11.09% 7.24% 0/10
Pmetrics −1.36% 8.99% −16.27 to 13.91% 8.64% 0/10
TAC TD_D7 0, 1 h and 3 h ITSIM −2.42% 8.45% −23.09 to 8.53% 8.38% 1/10
Pmetrics 8.30% 19.80% −16.09 to 56.50% 20.53% 1/10
0, 2 h and 6 h ITSIM −2.30% 6.03% −10.15to 8.27% 6.16% 1/10
Pmetrics −1.16% 17.11% −17.21 to 37.79% 16.27% 1/10
TAC TD_W6 0, 1 h and 3 h ITSIM −0.65% 7.36% −7.96 to 14.59% 7.02% 0/10
Pmetrics 5.13% 12.51% −25.06 to 17.76% 12.93% 1/10
0, 2 h and 6 h ITSIM 2.36% 11.46% −12.40% to 29.39% 11.12% 1/10
Pmetrics 3.83% 11.48% −10.86 to 24.90% 12.25% 1/10

AUC, area under the curve; D7, day 7; OD, Advagraf; RMSE, root mean squared prediction error; SD, standard deviation; TAC, tacrolimus; TD, Prograf; W6, week 6, TAC, tacrolimus.