Figures 4(a-d). Adjusted Cross-Work Shift Changes in Crude and Creatinine-adjusted Urinary Malondialdehyde Concentrations according to Work Tasks.
Pre-to post-work shift changes are depicted in Figs. 4a and 4b. Pre to morning-after (MA) work shift changes are depicted in Figs. 4c and 4d. No significant difference was observed across work tasks for all figures. Note: n= person-day pre-post paired or pre-MA paired samples, respectively; Cross-work-shift changes are reported as post-work-shift/pre-work-shift ratios or morning-after-work-shift/pre-work-shift ratios, respectively. Where 95% confidence limits do not cross the x-axis, cross-work-shift changes are statistically different from 1 (p-values < 0.05).