Fig. 4.
Transient SNAI1 Knockdown Leads to Decreases in Few EMT-TF Targets and Increases Proliferation. Transient knockdown of SNAI1 was performed in 2D plates with Scramble or SNAI1 siRNA. a qRT-PCR confirmation of transient knockdown of SNAI1 throughout experiment was completed at days two, four, and six with Student’s t-test evaluations shown. Data represent three independently repeated experiments. b Representative 2D proliferation data corrected to background media fluorescence and shown relative to day one values. Non-linear regression exponential growth curves were fitted and a comparison of growth rates was performed; significance between Scramble and SNAI1 siRNA groups is displayed. c Representative qRT-PCR data of probed downstream EMT-TF targets are displayed as means relative to Scramble ± STDEV of technical triplicates with One Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test (*p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.0005) displayed by asterisks. Data represent two independently repeated experiments. MDA-MB-134-VI: no transfection reagent or siRNA. Nontransfected: transfection reagent only; no siRNA