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. 2019 Jun 14;9(7):e01308. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1308

Table 1.

Verbs and nouns used in the experimental sentences and verb syntactic preference values

Verb (E translation) DO‐preference previous study (how normal?) DO‐preference posttest (sentence cotinuation) Preference based on pretest Preference based on posttest Preposition Themes (E translation)
Bereiten (prepare) 0.31 0.51 PO DO für Mahlzeit (meal)
Empfang (reception)
Űberraschung (surprise)
Suchen (search) 0.36 0.45 PO PO für Aufgabe (task)
Geschenk (gift)
Haus (house)
Schlachten (slaughter) 0.38 0.32 PO PO für Schwein (pig)
Ziege (goat)
Huhn (chicken)
Bewachen (guard) 0.39 0.41 PO PO für Schatz (treasure)
Schloss (castle)
Gefangenen (prisoner)
Zahlen (pay) 0.41 0.55 PO DO für Eintritt (entrance fee)
Gebühr (fee)
Lösegeld (ransom)
Deuten (interpret) 0.42 0.47 PO PO für Wetter (weather)
Traum (dream)
Zeichen (sign)
Reservieren (book) 0.43 0.45 PO PO für Tisch (table)
Ticket (ticket)
Platz (place)
Verkaufen (sell) 0.45 0.7 PO DO an Goldfisch (goldfish)
Blume (flower)
Buch (book)
Liefern (deliver) 0.55 0.55 DO DO an Paket (package)
Vorrat (supplies)
Essen (food)
Übergeben (hand over) 0.61 0.8 DO DO an Belohnung (reward)
Rose (rose)
Rechnung (bill)
Reparieren (repair) 0.63 0.42 DO PO für Dach (roof)
Waschmaschine (washing machine)
Auto (car)
Leihen (lend) 0.64 0.96 DO DO an Fahrrad (bike)
Jacke (coat)
Schirm (umbrella)
Verabreichen (administer) 0.68 0.98 DO DO an Tablette (pill)
Medizin (medicine)
Spritze (injection)
Reichen (hand sth to so.) 0.69 0.92 DO DO an Koffer (suitcase)
Salz (salt)
Dose (can)
Servieren (serve) 0.72 0.71 DO DO für Kaffee (coffee)
Wein (wine)
Speise (dish)
Beschreiben (describe) 0.74 0.78 DO DO für Problem (problem)
Spiel (game)
Aussicht (view)

In combination with the potential nouns for the agent and recipient (man, woman, boy, girl) these formed the different sentences. The values in the third column were used to calculate verb based syntactic surprisal effects for the fMRI regressor (see Results 3.2.4 section). Note that the values for the verb preference differ (different preference) between the pre and the posttest (column 2 and 3) in a few of the cases. For the analysis we used column 3, which reflects the verb preferences of the group of participants we tested.