Fig. 6. Multifunctional smart devices based on MXCC actuators.
(A) Configuration of a worm-like robot. (B) Mechanical model of the worm-like robot under NIR light irradiation. (C) Photographs of the worm-like robot crawling progressively driven by NIR light irradiation. (D) Configuration of a smart light–controlled switch. (E) Schematic diagram of a light-controlled circuit diagram. The circuit comprises light-controlled switch in series with a smart watch (F) with and (G) without NIR light illumination (80 mW cm−2). (H) Photographs of the patterned MXCC on ordinary A4 paper, illustrating the versatile and programmable MXene-cellulose ink, scalable and low-cost fabrication, and flexible and foldable device (inset). (I) Schematics of the device with patterned MXCC before and after NIR light illumination. (J) IR camera images of the patterned device before and after local NIR irradiation to demonstrate information encryption and display applications. (K) IR camera images of a patterned device with a butterfly-silhouetted MXCC device before and after local NIR irradiation to illustrate the camouflage, display, and actuation applications. The patterned device changes its thermal appearance and stands out from the background upon NIR irradiation. (Photo credit: Guofa Cai, Nanyang Technological University.)