Figure 7. Conservation of CTCF- and TF-mediated DNA loops from gametes through preimplantation embryos.
(A) Metaplot showing median, distance-normalized Hi-C of sperm, GV oocytes, and allele-specific preimplantation embryos at loops defined in paternal PN5 chromosomes using a derivative of the HiCCUPS method. The bottom row shows the difference between paternal and maternal median, distance-normalized Hi-C interactions.
(B) Metaplot showing median, distance-normalized Hi-C of sperm, GV oocytes, and allele-specific preimplantation embryos at loops defined in maternal PN5 chromosomes using a derivative of the HiCCUPS method. The bottom row gives the difference between paternal and maternal median, distance-normalized Hi-C interactions.
(C) Metaplot showing median, distance-normalized Hi-C of sperm, GV oocytes, and allele-specific preimplantation embryos at Foxa1-mediated enhancer-promoter significant interactions determined by FitHi-C.
See also Figure S7