(A-C) Considerations for the biomimicry of bioprinted constructs
including but not limited to (A) vasculature, innervation; adapted, with
permission, from [189], (B) cell
proliferation, differentiation, migration; adapted from [190] and (C) ECM arrangement; adapted, with
permission, from [191]. (D-G) Strategies
to induce biomimicry of tissue constructs, such as (D) modification of surface
finish to promote cell attachment; adapted, with permission, from [192], (E) graphing of bioactive protein on
polymer to enhance cell proliferation; adapted from [193], (F) utilization of decellularized tissue to
induce cell differentiation; adapted, with permission, from [194], and (G) fabrication of scaffold-free constructs
to imitate cell density of native tissue; adapted from [48].