Unweighted index admissions |
752,845 |
180,573 |
Weighted index admissions |
3,645,465 |
874,944 |
Age in years at admission |
Mean age (in years), standard deviation |
69.85, 13.90 |
70.02, 14.74 |
< 0.0001 |
18 to 34 |
1.48% |
2.08% |
< 0.0001 |
35 to 49 |
6.54% |
7.37% |
50 to 64 |
24.39% |
22.73% |
65 to 79 |
39.63% |
37.23% |
Greater than 80 |
27.85% |
30.49% |
Died during hospitalization |
< 0.0001 |
Did not die |
99.11% |
98.92% |
Died |
0.89% |
1.08% |
Disposition |
< 0.0001 |
Routine |
76.44% |
72.63% |
Transfer to short-term hospital |
2.37% |
2.73% |
Transfer other: includes Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), and another type of facility |
9.51% |
11.94% |
Home Health Care (HHC) |
10.01% |
10.55% |
Against medical advice (AMA) |
0.76% |
1.05% |
Died in hospital |
0.89% |
1.08% |
Discharged alive, destination unknown |
0.02% |
0.02% |
Elective vs. non-elective admission |
< 0.0001 |
Non-elective |
82.70% |
95.35% |
Elective |
17.30% |
4.65% |
Indicator of sex |
< 0.0001 |
Male |
50.26% |
47.74% |
Female |
49.74% |
52.26% |
Length of hospital stay |
Mean length of stay (days) ± standard deviation |
3.48 ± 3.72 |
3.52 ± 3.79 |
< 0.0001 |
0–3 days |
65.66% |
64.67% |
< 0.0001 |
4 to 6 days |
22.56% |
25.13% |
7 to 9 days |
7.45% |
5.38% |
10 to 12 days |
2.15% |
2.84% |
> 12 days |
2.15% |
1.98% |
Primary expected payer |
< 0.0001 |
Medicare |
65.49% |
81.93% |
Medicaid |
4.08% |
8.25% |
Private insurance |
25.29% |
5.76% |
Self-pay |
2.83% |
1.47% |
No charge |
0.32% |
0.46% |
Other |
1.99% |
2.13% |
Race |
< 0.0001 |
White |
83.39% |
81.93% |
Black |
7.49% |
8.25% |
Hispanic |
5.13% |
5.76% |
Asian |
1.35% |
1.47% |
Pacific Islander |
0.51% |
0.46% |
Other |
2.13% |
2.13% |
Cost of hospitalization in USD-(mean) |
8414.7 ± 10,343 |
7479 ± 8785.9 |
< 0.0001 |
Bed size of the hospital |
< 0.0001 |
Small |
13.52% |
14.27% |
Medium |
24.91% |
26.12% |
Large |
61.57% |
59.61% |
Location/teaching status of the hospital |
< 0.0001 |
Rural |
13.62% |
14.80% |
Urban-non-teaching |
41.30% |
43.86% |
Urban-teaching |
45.08% |
41.34% |
Cardioversion |
23.62% |
14.17% |
< 0.0001 |