A. Effect of Metabolic Unhealthy Obesity, compared with Metabolically healthy normal weight, on PHQ-9. B. Effect of Metabolic Healthy Obesity, compared with Metabolically healthy normal weight, on PHQ-9. C. Effect of Metabolic Unhealthy normal weight, compared with Metabolically healthy normal weight, on PHQ-9PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire; Total effect: effect of metabolic subgroup on PHQ-9; Direct effect: effect of metabolic subgroup on PHQ-9 after controlling for CRP levels. Indirect effect: effect of metabolic subgroup on PHQ-9 through the CRP pathway, corresponding to the total effect minus the direct effect.
Model adjusted for demographic characteristics (age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, marital status, smoking history, physical activity, and household income)co-morbidities (coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, and malignancy), and medication use (antidepressants and statins).